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Obaranje svetskog rekorda

Evropsko prvenstvo 2007

European Championships - 50m Fly Final

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Ula    15 April 2008 23:12 | POLAND
Me, and my friends support you! We all agree with you that Kosovo je Srbsko!! You've got really big support here in Poland too! Remember about it!! Pozdrav!

   15 April 2008 16:46 |

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Hack Vasiyetim ( :D ) :

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0letisim : [email protected] ( Okuyan cou hacker silinmi_tir art1q )

Claudia    10 April 2008 20:23 | Portugal

Congratulations for you first place on 50m butterfly!

I totally agree with the message that was in you t-shirt.

The punishment was unfair. After all, there is no freedom of speech

I have just found your website today.

Good luck for the next competition

Le Chat    10 April 2008 17:41 | Russia
Sorry, little late, but:
Pravda je ze Kosovo je Srbija.
Really, now I can say you have one more fan in Russia Thanks.

Milan    08 April 2008 12:18 |
Milorade, svaka ti cast za sve sto si uradio.U nasim si srcima, veruj mi!Skidam ti kapu za sve sto si uradio!

Bog te blagoslovio!

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Speedo LZR: 20+ World Records. Is it really the suit?

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